jueves, 6 de abril de 2017

Descriptive Adjectives Or Adjective Of Quality

          Descriptive adjectives are those adjectives which describe nouns or the noun phrases. For example: 'A beautiful day'. In this case, 'beautiful' is the adjective which qualifies or describes the noun 'day'. Descriptive adjectives have several forms as discussed below.

  • ·         Colors as adjectives: Black, Blue, White, Green, etc.
  • ·         Touch as adjective: Slippery, Sticky, etc.
  • ·         Feelings as adjectives: Happy, Sad, Angry, etc.
  • ·         Sizes as adjectives: Big, Small, Thin, Thick, etc.
  • ·         Origin as adjectives: European, Latin, Greek, etc.
  • ·         Shapes as adjectives: Triangular, Rectangular, Square, Circular, etc.
  • ·         Qualities as adjectives: Good, Bad, Average, etc.
  • ·         Time as adjective: Yearly, Monthly, etc.
  • ·         Age as adjectives: Young, Ancient, Old, etc.
  • ·         Material as adjectives: Wood, Cotton, Gold, etc.
  • ·         Opinions as adjectives: Pretty, hot, expensive, etc.

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