lunes, 24 de abril de 2017

Speech Circuit

Allows us to transmit information, if the circuit does not work properly we will not be able to communicate. The speech circuit has the following components:
• Medium / Channel: The communication process using this code requires a channel for the transmission of the signals. The Channel would be the physical medium through which communication is transmitted.
• Code: It is the set of signs that must be shared by the sender and receiver of a message so that it is understood.
• Context: Circumstances in which messages are produced. It is what the message speaks about.
• Sender / Encoder: Subject that emits or encodes a message. It is the one who is in charge of transmitting a message which is an idea or information.
• Message: The information is everything that the sender expresses.
• Receiver / Decoder: Subject that receives or decodes the message.

• Interference: It is the interference that occurs in the communication, which causes a confusion in the messages, or, that these.

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