domingo, 23 de abril de 2017

Indefinite Pronouns

Indefinite pronouns are those referring to one or more unspecified objects, beings, or places. They are called “indefinite” simply because they do not indicate the exact object, being, or place to which they refer.

Indefinite pronouns include partitives such as any, anybody, anyone, either, neither, nobody, no, someone, and some; they also include universals such as every, all, both, and each; finally, they include quantifiers including any, some, several, enough, many, and much

There are just two important rules for using indefinite pronouns correctly. 
·         Indefinite pronouns are never plural. They are always singular.
·         Because indefinite pronouns are singular, the pronouns or verbs used to refer to them should also be singular.

Examples of Indefinite Pronouns
In the following examples, the indefinite pronouns are italicized.
·         Many are called, but few are chosen.
·         Somebody ate my sandwich!
·         Everyone says she is beautiful inside and out.
·         No one wants to hear about my health problems.

·         Either choice has its advantages.

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