domingo, 23 de abril de 2017

Modal Auxiliary Verbs.

Modal auxiliary verbs never change form. You cannot add an -ed, -ing, or -s ending to these words. Can, could, may, might, must, ought to, shall, should, will, and would have only one form.

You can use modal auxiliary verbs in these patterns:


With modal auxiliaries, you can indicate necessity or obligation:
To lose her orange glow, Yvonne should eat fewer carrots.
John must remember his wife's birthday this year.
If Cecilia wants a nice lawn, she ought to be raking the leaves.
Or you can show possibility:
Fred might share his calculus homework if you offer him a slice of pizza.
Ann could have run the half marathon if she had started to train four months ago.
Modal auxiliaries also show willingness or ability:
Nicole will babysit your pet iguana for a reasonable fee.

Jason can pass chemistry this semester if he stops spending his study time at the arcade.

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