domingo, 23 de abril de 2017

Interrogative pronouns

 An interrogative pronoun is a pronoun which is used to make asking questions easy. There are just five interrogative pronouns. Each one is used to ask a very specific question or indirect question. 
Interrogative pronouns can also be used as relative pronouns, which may be found in questions or indirect questions.
You’ll know for certain that a pronoun is classified as an interrogative when it’s used in an inquiring way, because interrogative pronouns are found only in question and indirect questions.

·         Who
·         Whose
·         Whom
·         Which
·         What

Used to ask questions about things, actions, activities, general descriptions and specific information (unlimited choice).

·         What did you buy?
·         What happened?
·         What is your brother like?
·         What sort of cars do you like driving?

Used to ask about people or things (limited choice)

·         Which students will participate?
·         Which of these sweaters do you like best?
·         Which color do you prefer?
·         She asked which train to take.

Used to ask about people.

·         Who is your best friend?
·         I’m wondering who will be at the party.
·         Who is going to take out the trash?
·         Who is that?

This interrogative pronoun is rarely seen these days, but when it shows up, it is used to ask questions about people. (More formal than who)

·         Whom did you speak to?
·         Whom do you prefer to vote for?
·         Whom do you live with?

Cuadro de texto: Who = Subject
Whom = Object
Who = She/He
Whom = Her/him

Used to ask questions about people or objects, always related to possession.
·         Whose sweater is this?
·         Whose parents are those?
·         I wonder whose dog knocked our garbage can over.
In some cases, interrogative pronouns take on the suffix –ever: 

Whatever                     Whatsoever                  Whichever                    Whomsoever
Whoever                      Whosoever                   Whomever                    Whosever

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