lunes, 24 de abril de 2017


In linguistics, a word sense is one of the meanings of a word.
For example, a dictionary may have over 50 different senses of the word play, each of these having a different meaning based on the context of the word's usage in a sentence, as follows:
·        We went to see the play Romeo and Juliet at the theater.
·        The coach devised a great play that put the visiting team on the defensive.
·        The children went out to play in the park.
In each sentence we associate a different meaning of the word "play" based on hints the rest of the sentence gives us.

People and computers, as they read words, must use a process called word-sense disambiguation to find the correct meaning of a word. This process uses context to narrow the possible senses down to the probable ones. The context includes such things as the ideas conveyed by adjacent words and nearby phrases, the known or probable purpose and register of the conversation or document, and the orientation (time and place) implied or expressed. 

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