domingo, 23 de abril de 2017

Phrasal Verbs

      A phrasal verb is a combination of a verb and preposition, a verb and an adverb, or a verb with both an adverb and a preposition.
      A phrasal verb has a meaning which is different from the original verb. That's what makes them fun, but confusing. You may need to try to guess the meaning from the context, or, failing that, look it up in a dictionary.

       1) Transitive: Takes an object (something or someone) to complete meaning.
      To hand in: Tom handed in the homework.
Object= homework.
      To look for: She is looking for her right shoe. 
Object= shoe.
2) Intransitive: Doesn't take an object to complete meaning.
·         to fall through: Our plans fell through.  (no object).
·         to go back: He went back to Brazil.  (no object).
·         to stand up: He stood up. (no object)

3) Separable: The object can go after the particle or between the verb and the particle. If a phrasal verb is separable, it means you can separate the two words and put the direct object in the middle.

To hand in:
Correct: Tom handed the homework in. Incorrect: Tom handed in the homework.
To take off:  
Correct:  I took my gloves off. Incorrect:  I took off my gloves. 

      The Phrasal Verb GOLDEN rule: If you use a DIRECT OBJECT PRONOUN (me, you, him/her/it, us, them), the phrasal verb MUST be separated, going between the verb and the particle.

Correct:       Tom handed it in.        I took them off.
Incorrect:     Tom handed in it.        
I took off them. 

4) Inseparable: The object must go after the particle.In the inseparable, the verb and the particle have to go together obligatorily.


·         He's been looking after his father since he was in his early 20s. (Look after).
·         I’ll look after your dog while you’re on vacation.
·         I’ll look your dog after while you’re on vacation – INCORRECT.

          Phrasal Verbs (Two Particles)

      There are phrasal verbs of three words, which is formed by adding a preposition to a concrete one. For example, if we look forward to add the preposition to, it becomes a phrasal verb of three words
          For example:
      I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

More examples:

      I can't put up with my neighbors anymore! (tolerate).
      If after the verb looking forward to you want to use a verb it is very important to know that you have to use it in gerund.

      My colleague came up with a great idea. 

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